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Swiss straw braiding's history dates back centuries, particularly in Wohlen, a hub of straw hat craftsmanship. It evolved from poverty-driven straw decoration to a robust export-oriented industry, exemplified by the iconic Röhrlihut. This heritage now faces extinction, with only a few craftsmen, such as Claudia Künzi, preserving the tradition.


The video has been realised within the project Homecoming, by the artist Joana Schneider. With the support of Mondriaan Fonds, it was possible for her to master the material straw and realise the genuine project of her heart which honours and connects two cultures, Holland and the Alpine region.

Claudia Künzi || Starring

Joana Schneider || Artist / Producer

Sascha Kleerebezem || Production

Kathrin Wagner || Subtitles

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